
Sunday, January 10, 2010

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Hello Guys,

I am starting this blog on chess.
You can have a small introduction on chess by clicking here

If u have read enough and is far from a beginner stage, u can move on....


The most fascinating thing i have always liked about the game is combinations.
In chess, a combination is a sequence of moves, often initiated by a sacrifice, which leaves the opponent few options and results in tangible gain.

There have been many world champions in the past who have created masterpieces.. I have just made a collection of some of those games . U can view that by clicking here or clicking the below link.

World Champion Combinations
Take a look at the techniques used by some of them .


Another way for a player to improve his skills in chess is by solving puzzles.
Puzzles range from simple 1-move wins to more complex ones.

U can solve some puzzles by clicking here or by clicking the below link

Chess Puzzles

Read some books!!!!

Chess can be mastered only through experience.It may take years for a player to have an in depth knowledge of sharp opening lines,middle game and endgame.
An alternate option would be [apart from tournament experience] would be to read books.

Books are of great help for a beginner\average\strong player.To have a look at the books available click here or click the below link.

Chess Books